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Maamigili Beyru

Lakshadweep Sea

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April 7, 2016
Average - poor Visibility, clusters of plankton that the Whalesharks feed on is the reason. Jumped in the water after the Dive Master went in the sea, as usual I stayed at the back of the pack and observed what they did. :) Surface was crowded with snorkelers for the whale shark. Pics attached ๐Ÿ˜‚
April 9, 2016
The pic from above the whale shark is so fantastic! Like the diver is simply flying above this majestic silent being... ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿปโœจ
April 9, 2016
Thank you Annie :). That was me just after we jumped into the blur waters and on out way to the reef. Got plenty of goof shots but got some reason am unable I upload the pics onto the dive.
April 16, 2016
Congrats Xaal, your dive was selected #DiveoftheWeek!
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